Swim Gear

5 Best Swim Caps for Long Hair- The Expert Guide
Are you tired of struggling to bundle all of your hair into a regular swim cap? Is this the third swim cap you have ripped this month? Do you dread ...

7 Best Swim Shampoos and Conditioners to Remove Chlorine
If you’re a swimmer, you’re likely familiar with dry, straw-like, and brittle chlorine-damaged hair. Perhaps, embarrassingly, others may have commented on the chlorine smell of your curls before. Similarly, if ...

Complete Swimming Equipment List for Every Type of Swimmer
If you want to maximize your performance in the water, reach your swimming goals, and ensure your competitors don’t outswim you, then it’s essential to have the right swimming equipment. ...

8 Best Pull Buoys for Swimming- The Expert Review
Are you always falling behind in training? How about in competition? Would you like to fix that? Are you looking to improve your pulling technique and power, build upper body ...

How Tight Should a Tech Suit Be? (Find Your Perfect Fit)
Are you looking to purchase a new tech suit but unsure how tight it should be? Or have you already bought one but feel uncertain about your decision due to ...

Why Are Tech Suits So Expensive? (And Their Average Price)
Every season I spend hundreds of dollars on swim gear– goggles, swimsuits, and mesh bags need to be replaced. Fortunately, this isn’t the expensive part. So what is? Tech suits. ...

The Magic 5 Goggles Review: Are They Worth It?
Are you tired of uncomfortable and leaky swim goggles? Do you hate constantly adjusting your goggles every time to find the right fit? Do you have to make your goggle ...

9 Best Swim Paddles for Technique and Power- Expert Review
As I take my last stroke into the wall, I gasp for a breath while my heart pounds uncontrollably– I can already hear my coach shouting for us to get ...

Zygo Solo Swim Headphones Review: Hands-On Insights
Have you ever been interested in mixing up your swimming workouts with music, only to be disappointed by the limited- and often- outdated technology? In that case, a creative new ...
9 Best Kickboards for Swimming- The Expert Review
Ready to kick your swimming performance up a notch? The leg kick is estimated to contribute an average of 31% to swimming propulsion–a hefty amount. And that doesn’t take into account its positive ...
Finis Smart Goggles Review: The Ultimate Swimming Goggles
If you are ready to take advantage of some of the most advanced swim tracking currently available, then the FINIS Smart Goggles powered by CIYE are a must-have! In this ...
SwimOutlet Review- The Web’s Most Popular Swim Shop Reviewed
Your One Stop Destination for Everything Aquatic- SwimOutlet is the premier online destination for aquatics apparel and the web’s most popular swim shop. Since its inception, SwimOutlet has expanded into ...